In the media: 8 lessons for moving learning content online

Are you creating online content? Here are 8 lessons for success.
Interview with Rebecca Marshall, founder eLearn Help and eLearn Hub.
Thanks to VETtrak and Job Ready for the initiative!

creating online content


8 lessons for moving learning content online

Moving learning content online is a process that any education provider can begin today. Here’s 8 tips from eLearnhelp founder Rebecca Ogrady-Marshall that can get you started.

Rebecca Ogrady-Marshall is no stranger to online learning. Founding e-learning consultancy eLearnhelp after a long career in online education and curriculum development, she has been an eye-witness to successes and mistakes as educators have moved online over the last decade.

This has made her a believer in the crucial role online learning will play in the future.

“I think the future of learning is blended learning – a mixture of online and face-to-face. I think it’s difficult to replace the human interaction when you go beyond the realm of short courses, and many education and training providers like RTOs really require a face-to-face component,” she says. “Obviously in the short-term, there’s no reason why that critical face-to-face component can’t be achieved online with tools like video conferencing and webinars.”

What advice does she have for education providers looking to move content online?

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