Turn your hobby into your very own online course and make money from home. Channel 10 morning show interview with Rebecca Marshall from eLearn Help and eLearn Hub. Thanks to Studio 10.
Take the course here: https://courses.elearnhelp.com/courses/planning-and-designing-your-online-course/
Online learning has become a real lifeline for gaining knowledge but you don't have to take a course. You could turn your own hobby into one that other people will pay for! Rebecca Marshall from https://t.co/BN0pN8zIUJ shows us how. @RebeccaOGM #Studio10 pic.twitter.com/DvmX0dUt2T
— Studio 10 (@Studio10au) April 16, 2020
Check out Rebecca’s interview with VETtrak and Job Ready here: https://elearnhelp.com/media/creating-online-content/